Wednesday 13 June 2001 // 1605 EST Seeing: A gorgeous 19 inch monitor that I wish were mine... Hearing: Vanessa Mae -- Contradanza Touching: Her hair... Tasting: Fresh Sushi..why don't I eat this every day? Thinking: So I was in a bathroom earlier today and someone had scratched into the paint "this wall needs more grafitti" and it got me thinking, ironically enough, that bathroom grafitti is so commonplace in our society that many people feel that if they DON'T see it in their bathrooms that something's wrong...creepy, isn't it? So...thinking about upgrades and updates to Nova...I'm still thinking about putting up those rants and dissertations and essays that I probably won't get around to writing until I spend more hours at work not doing anything really in particular, like I am right now. I finally got around to writing the letter to Resident Life about how they should give me my room for the fall. All there is to do now is print copies, address the envelopes, and call it a life. Wow, I'm really tired. I guess that whole not sleeping thing really kicked me around, I hope I'll be able to be a good boy tonight and sleep like a normal human being. I'm tempted to go to bed now, but I know if I go to bed now then I'll never sleep the whole night, I'll just be up early again tomorrow morning, and putz around until I have to go to werk. So yeah, I managed to get myself into an interesting financial position again-I swear to god that I really ought to put myself on a budget or something...I keep track of my finances, but I really don't budget myself, I spend my money as I like, but hey-I don't have any regrets about it, so I won't complain, I'm happy with what I do. In the meantime, I'll just work harder and promise myself that I won't do it anymore. So where was I? Oh yes. Being tired. I really should go to Sushi Sono more often... Hmm..getting random. That means I should probably say adieu... |