March 2025


Archive for December, 2007

but wait, there’s more

sense :: sight // Blood + Season 2 Opening And before I forget, something else that’s made the holidays so hectic has been my situation at the office. So I’ve been officially promoted! (Although the raise hasn’t been applied yet) I’m now “Manager, IT Projects,” and even have a direct report now. Up to this […]

windows and redesigns and holidays, oh my!

sense :: taste // peppermint white chocolate mocha Here we are, the weekend before Christmas. I like to think that the bulk of my shopping is done, maybe a few stocking stuffers from a store here or there before the actual day of. This year, Raevyn and I are taking ample time for ourselves as […]

the inspiration that made lady sing the blues

sense :: taste // sushi I love Blood + far more than I should. Even the English dub is good! I think a box set might have to be an Otakon purchase next year. Aside from griping about the state of affairs these days, there are a number of things going well; I shouldn’t forget […]

i am the stone that the builder refused

sense :: taste // cold coffee Wow – it’s been a while. I’m terrible at a lot of things; I have the photos from our trip to New York City uploaded to my machine, but I still need to edit and post them. Funny, I don’t do a lot of post-processing to my photos, but […]


sense :: smell // cocoa butter I miss listening to music at work. I’ve been without headphones for a while now because my boss and his boss said something about me wearing them all the time. I think what I really need is a pair of noise cancelling earbuds – those are a little less […]