sense :: sight // Poker Night at The Inventory Wow, what an incredible couple of weeks. It’s definitely been exciting, to say the least. Sadly, I won’t make it out to CES 2011 in Las Vegas this year, even though I’m registered: the numbers just don’t add up and I have a few other reasons […]
sense :: taste // spam and eggs I’m loving Miku in those autumn colors up there. I don’t have much more time to use these autumn themed images, sadly – full-on Winter is descending rapidly. For those keeping score, the fondue experiment turned out fabulously the second time around, and we had more delicious treats […]
sense // hearing :: The Roc Project – Never (Past Tense) What a whirlwind couple of weeks! When last we spoke, I was coming up on my birthday, and looking forward to it with great anticipation. Well, my birthday delivered; and I’m very gracious to Raevyn for arranging a weekend of laser tag with some […]
sense :: taste // flavor-blasted cheddar goldfish I can’t even begin to fathom how many words I’ve put to paper this week. Wednesday and Thursday alone I wound up writing somewhere around 9-10,000 words by the time I was finished updating Gears and Widgets, doing my Macross Plus feature over at The Classy Geek, and […]
sense :: smell // bergamot incense This past week has been a beast, there’s no getting around that fact. Waking up in the middle of the night so irritated at work that I can’t get back to sleep, moving desks again (although the new desk location is indeed an upgrade when compared to the no-window/next […]