
Archive for the 'the wired' Category

geekly trust

sense :: smell // chocolate Oh what I wouldn’t give to take up residence in one of these glorious homes. I mean, real-life castles and chateaus for sale! Admittedly none of them that I saw were in the United States, but still. I wonder if I can get something like that built in the states […]

ebayed laptops and such

sense :: taste // cold cut sammich You know, I’m never getting rid of a computer without either removing the hard drive for formatting it a couple of dozen times over and writing random data to the hard drive. I’m not saying I have horribly incriminating material on any of my computers, but the last […]

a dash of werk

sense :: sight // Lab Rats The weekend was nice enough; somewhat quiet and relaxing, and involved a little painting and a lot of cooking, both of which I was grateful for the time to be away from the office for. It’s odd, I really do feel more alive when I don’t have the prospect […]

desperate for time to write

sense :: taste // lemon sesame asparagus I’ve been desperate for enough time to update lately; werk has been pretty hectic and busy these past couple of days, meaning I barely have enough time to get my actual duties accomplished before the rolling ball of more werk falls on my head. I especially hate days […]

werking in the nation’s capital

( the wired )

sense :: hearing // Morcheeba – Ten Men For anyone who might be curious what it’s like to werk in the DC area, you need only listen to this segment from one of our NPR programs, Metro Connection titled Take This Job and…zzzzzzzz. It’s absolutely brilliant, and well, says it all. It was of particular […]