sense :: taste // filtered water After the party and Raevyn’s birthday, we spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and resting, since this week is our last full week of werk before the Con, which means two short werkweeks, and I can’t be more thrilled about it-Raevyn took Monday and today off of werk […]
sense :: smell // chinese food Sadly, the chinese food isn’t mine, the ladies I share an office with ordered chinese. They did ask if I wanted to order with them, which was nice enough. That’s okay, I’m planning on going out for lunch. Where, however, is the next-and natural-question. No clue, but I usually […]
sense :: sight // the weather channel I have a confession to make. My pants are kinda comfy. Seriously, they are. Okay, let me back up, I suppose. I normally absolutely hate getting dressed in the morning. I always feel like my clothes are either too big or too small, and never fit quite right, […]
hearing // Digital Underground – Do What Ya Like First, let me state for the record, as I have before, life finds a way. Sometimes, like in this case, it’s incredibly amusing! In other cases, it needs our help, but in both cases, it makes me happy. Is it wrong that I look at that […]
sense :: taste // teriyaki stir fry Yesterday was a beautiful July 4th. Aside from the thunderstorms and the lack of power now and again over the course of the day, the holiday was wonderful. The sky was overcast and it rained here and again, but we still managed to make a nice big meal […]